Microblogging in a browser tab.

Leave this page opened to read my feed in the tab!

My last messages:

★Hi Liaizon★
Talking about twab in mastodon https://merveilles.town/@neauoire/102150493459725534
Cool list of P2P network ressources https://www.are.na/are-na-commons/p2p-superchannel
This is my News page: https://news.raphaelbastide.com/
Hi tooters, I am also on Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@raphaelbastide
no timestamp no problem
Quote from HN: A general question: why does nowadays every interface have to be learnable in seconds? Reading/writing is a very powerful interface and it takes months, if not years to learn properly, but we are doing fine with it.
A fanzine, by two of my students http://bacle.neocities.org/
Time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDYIdBMLQR0
More alternative networks… https://framasphere.org/i/0afe2d9fd949
I love precise emails.
Post publishing for dummies
Hi follower(s)!
Flash is still everywhere
I hate this sun, it makes me want to hate work
limited publication zone
Work overflow. I guess it is not so bad.
not in the mood for anything except twabbin'
I just imploded reddit http://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/383o3x/dark_bread_dough_in_cellophane_tape/
looking for an illustrator, someone who can draw photorealistic portraits (from photos)
http://paranom.asia/twab/ added dates to twabs
I tested Ricochet the anonimous IM and it works pretty well https://github.com/ricochet-im/ricochet
New twabber http://paranom.asia/twab/
A client asks me to change google search results on a machine in the UK
Custom theme demo http://i.imgur.com/V7P6HmT.png
Friday night, I want to write you a poem. But I am a freelance and I’ll work tomorow so, no.
Source of the last twab: http://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/fermi-paradox.html
“So there are 100 Earth-like planets for every grain of sand in the world. Think about that next time you’re on the beach.”
Theme branch https://github.com/raphaelbastide/twab/tree/theme
Tomorow will be an unplugged day
I'll push a twag branch that allows users to create custom themes
Lack of competitors = danger
Oh noo I twab-failed my password!
In Belgium for the day. Apparently twab works here as well :)
in the train
Things that really matter are not on Facebook
Gold morning twabbers!
It was a busy day my friends, I can’t feel my head anymore
I plan to migrate to from my lab. to the root of my website
EEEwww my website was down, solved now.
✿ Apple juice apéritif
Users can change the refresh rate. I think it doesn’t have to be in the config file, HTML header is more simple.
sleepy -.-
Will buy some fancy paper
A twab bot on twitter, fun! https://twitter.com/twabIO thx @hugohil
Twab, day two
About markdown and HTML support in twabs https://github.com/raphaelbastide/twab/issues/2
Did you ever try to skin a chicken by hand? Seriously try it, you’ll love it.
│▎║❚│▎Home made oven french fries
✔ autolinks
Twabbies :)
Drawing a favicon for noob twabberz
⚑ extentions needed :) I want a unicode / emoji dropdown menu before my text input
⚑ base 64 image support needed!
I am creating patterns for a visual identity using an old processing JS script
It’s the first time I see such cute talking tabs :3
Me, right now http://gif.gg/FBU8yyj
I have a folder on my bookmark bar full of twabberz url
New twabber http://pierrebertet.net/twab/
Yeah we need a ping / mention /answer system
http://hugohil.ninja/twab Nice style!
Idea: live counter for followers
First WC twab ✔
Twab business model: NONE! Take that twitter ( '̀-'́)ง
README update with the first awesome twab users! https://github.com/raphaelbastide/twab
New twab user http://www.gaduman.com/twab/
Amazing, there is now a node version of Twab! https://github.com/hugohil/node-twab
New twab user! http://flux.quaternum.net/twab/
I am going to buy some bread. BRB
My friends, we are at the root of microblogging here.
No answer possible = forever alone
Yeah, Firefox tabs remains large, Chrome’s ones becomes tiny triangles ( •᷄⌓•᷅ )
Protip: rollover your tab will display the full message
I just used Twitter (an old microblogging plateform) to tweet about Twab https://twitter.com/raphaelbastide/status/600239621327446016
I just received a doge teeshirt. It is awesome I promess.
I opened a git repository for this project https://github.com/raphaelbastide/twab
Good morning to you two (・᷄ὢ・᷅)
Guess who is in his bed, posting from his phone!
I wrote a “Why this is cool page”, have a look at /whythisiscool.html
I should interpret URL as links in the HTML page
This is interesting, thanks Bpierre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger_protocol
Main page updated with a more simple text
…I wonder if should limit the message lenght
My admin page is really simple, two text inputs: message and password
My twab avatar is a fox. Don’t ask me why.
Now I must have a publishing style that rocks
Looking for my first subscriber…
omg this is gonna be huge. I must buy a domain name right now.
This is my real first twab! so excited…
Hello world
Why this is cool?